We want to build a community for everyone to share, to inspire and motivate each other that is on a health, diet, or fitness journey. Hoping our waist trainer can be a helping hand to help everyone in achieving their goal in losing weight healthier and faster. To achieve a healthy fitness lifestyle success, Kay always says this to everyone, “There is no magic to losing weight. It all comes from dedication, determination and motivation; Its a journey ahead."
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Hi my name is Kay; I'm a mother of two, struggled from back pain and being overweight for almost 25 years of my life. I started my diet journey in Oct 2017, and successfully lost 80 pounds in less than a year allowing me to transform into my new fit and healthy life. I now feel confident about myself and most importantly healthier for my family. As part of my diet journey, I ate healthier and exercised daily. In the beginning of my journey, with the aid of waist trainers, I was able to lose weight even faster. However, due to my sensitive skin; I began developing rashes with the brands that I've tried. Knowing how beneficial the waist trainers were, on Feb 2018 I've decided to come up with my own, and this is how I came up with PHYSIKAY.
Coming up with the perfect waist trainer was not easy. I wanted to make a waist trainer for everyone with different body and skin types that can use and see results like I have. The challenge was finding the best materials that would work on most skin types. After many months of researching and testing materials and not seeing the results I wanted to see, I wanted to give up.
Afterthought, I persisted and became even more determined in coming up with a product that can help people lose weight and inches, just as I did. I continued to carry out more rigorous testing of new materials for almost a year with the help of professional fitness trainers, PHYSIKAY Waist Trainers was finally created in December 2018.
In the process of experimenting PHYSIKAY Waist Trainer, I used the waist trainer for less than a year and I lost 80 pounds and 15 inches on my waist with no skin sensitivity issue. I was extremely satisfied with the results that I achieved, so I can confidently recommend PHYSIKAY Waist Trainer to anyone who wants to slim their bodies in addition to your diet journey success just like me.
PHYSIKAY Waist Trainer is designed to make you sweat more, along with supporting posture while exercising. Its integrated neoprene fabric technology promotes blood circulation to increase your core body temperature allowing you to sweat more and burn more calories faster. Its durable, stretchable, flexible, and breathable high quality material is crafted for most skin types. It can be worn up to 3 hours on direct skin for maximum sweat effect, or can be worn up to 6 hours on top of clothes for minimal body shaping support. Most importantly, PHYSIKAY Waist Trainers are designed to not only help you build a great physique, but to also gain the healthy & fit lifestyle you deserve.